Ride Day

The 2016 event is in the books, but we'll leave this page up so you can see how we pull things together for the Holland 100. We're always looking to improve--if you have any suggestions, send them our way at ride@holland100.com.


The OFFICIAL packet pick-up location:

Our Brewing Company
76 E. 8th St., downtown Holland
Friday, July 15, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

If it's more convenient for you, we'll also have a pick-up location on Friday evening at the Herman Miller Greenhouse, our start/finish location. This one will be open 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening.

You can always just come see us on Saturday morning (starting at 6:30 a.m.) at the start/finish, too.


The course officially opens at 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Before that time, there will not be SAG support on the course, and you may approach the rest stops earlier than we're ready for you.


Course Map (.pdf)
*GPS File (.gpx)
100 Miles
67 Miles
36 Miles
18 Miles
Saugatuck/Douglas Detail
(36, 67, 100 only)
*Note: .gpx files are the most common GPS data format, and work with most GPS units. If you open the file on a computer or non-GPS device, it will appear as a bunch of code. Save the file, plug your GPS unit into your computer, and move the file to your device.


The Holland 100 starts from and finishes at the Greenhouse facility at Herman Miller. While there is a great deal of parking, we recommend you carpool with others if at all possible.

The shower facilities inside the Herman Miller Greenhouse are available post-ride until 4:00 p.m.


Not many bike tours can boast a full-on pancake breakfast during the ride. One of your rest stops includes pancakes and coffee to get that day off to a great start (thanks to Holland Christian Schools South Side Transportation and Simpatico Coffee).

The other rest areas have the perfect fuel to get you through the day, too. Sponsored by our friends at Hope College TRiO Upward Bound, you can expect meat & cheese roll-ups, PB&J, pretzels, fruit, granola and other ride day staples. Our volunteers will also hook you up with fresh water or energy drink if you wish.

The finish line will have great snacks and water provided by SpartanNash (AKA our friends at Family Fare and D&W stores!) and a limited supply of iced coffee bottles from Simpatico Coffee.


The start/finish line and each rest stop will be staffed with experienced bike mechanics to help you solve any issues that may come up during the ride.

Additionally,SAG support will be on the course to help transport you and your disabled bike to the next rest stop for repair. Please note, SAG cannot transport tired riders--only those with legitimate mechanical issues.

New this year, the EPS Security cycling team will be on the course as safety ambassadors, providing guidance and minor mechanical assistance if needed. Look for the yellow jerseys.